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10 Habits of Highly Effective Directors

Continuing Professional Development:
Essential Checklist

Joining a board of directors is a big responsibility. It enables you to make an enhanced contribution to the success of the organisation but it also involves responsibilities and risks.

Directors are involved in an organisation at a higher, more strategic level. We have a greater leverage and are able to make a greater contribution.

The UK Corporate Governance code requires all directors to regularly update and refresh their skills and knowledge.

What makes the difference between a mediocre director and an effective director is behaviour. And the best way to guarantee effective behaviour is to develop good habits.

So how effective are you?

Download this FREE Checklist. And then complete it. ... Takes only a couple of minutes to complete. That’s the beauty of checklists!

10 habits of highly effective directors

FREE Download


  • Establish your role and regular appraisals with your chairman

  • Diarise times for preparation for meetings

  • Be prepared to ask for help

  • Be prepared to challenge

  • Ensure that decision  making employs rigorous techniques

  • Make sure that all decisions, including objections, are minuted

  • Act as a role model and demonstrate leadership

  • Adopt a routine for monitoring the media

  • Network for contacts and ideas

  • Commit time for CPD study and activities

Follow-up actions

You will find plenty of space to record actions you've decided you need to take and when you need to take them.

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